
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Note to journalists

Monitoring news on both broadsheet and online sources requires us to take note of the subtleties of editorializing news content. However, there are some media practices that are downright reckless.
We speak specifically of the tendency to report on news while inadvertently affecting international policy. During the crisis on the West Philippine Sea, for instance, many reporters kept referring to it as the South China Sea, whereas our maps have mostly referred to it as the Philippine Sea. Under international law, even columns and news reports can be used as evidence of practice and thus could be taken against our claim on the area.

Friday, February 22, 2013

The King is Dead

(photo credit:

Lolong, the world’s largest crocodile died due to pneumonia brought about by the stress of captivity.

We are then reminded of the issues surrounding Mali, the 36 year old elephant in Manila Zoo who gained world wide attention when British rocker Morissey wrote the Philippine government to ask that the pachyderm be moved to a US sanctuary for aging animals.