
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An Afternoon with THE Maestro Eddie Romero


For twelve years, we’ve made it our habit. THE MAESTRO Eddie Romero and I have had coffee sessions (plus his smoking moments) when I was still with the NCCA Cinema Program. That’s one thing I’ve missed since I left in 2007. Now, we meet from time to time to have lunch and afternoon coffee sessions. I’m glad that the last time we did this, we were finally joined by my good friend, Atty. Trixie whom I should thank for these memorable photos.

Sitting down with The Maestro at one of our favorite “hang-outs” (Ilustrado) will challenge your wits, you just can’t come unprepared. hahaha! He’s the wittiest ever. Very funny. Never a dull moment. With Atty. Trixie around, it’s a wit fest. Hahaha! I love moments like this. Huge blessing I will always treasure. A blessing so sharp I go home with Coagulopathy.

Photos courtesy of Atty. Trixie Cruz Angeles

(Source :

To know more about Trixie Cruz Angeles, check out: I AM TRIXIE CRUZ

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